Monday 25 April 2016

From the old basement...

FORGOTTEN PATH magazine is one of the most respectable underground publications around.
Since I was involved in 'zine scene since early '90's my passion and support to 'zines never faded away.
Here you can find interview I've answered to FORGOTTEN PATH magazine and this way, putting intie here on my blog, I'd like to give some push to all of you internet readers to maybe, dig deeper and try to order and read real paper magazine. This interview of mine is just a piece of very fat and well written publication with tones of killer contents. Try it, magic is there....just need to reach it!

All info you can get here:

Milan, we have been in contact for around five years already, constantly trading, etc. Do you remember, how did we find out about each other? Cause I actually don’t, hehe.
Hey bro, hails to you and your readers! Ouch, really don’t remember that man…But most probably I’ve got in touch with you after seeing some flayer or add for Forgotten Path. Since I’m totally oldway metal freak I always try to support all printed zines, especially in the last 5-7 years when all medias turned to web…But hey, it’s great to see our contact and support is alive after 5 years already…

Ok, let’s start talking about “Grom Records”. When did you actually start under this name? How did the beginning look like?
Whole thing started in the beginning of 2000 as an idea and later we’ve realize it in 2001. Well, back then Serbian scene suffered with a huge lack of proper record labels which will support extreme music as well. There were just mainstream ones and those, of course, completely ignored extreme genres. So, we came with an idea to start extreme metal label, and we did it. The beginning was actually nice. We’ve started with the first release, Serbian Black Metal act Oksanat and it was a huge success as the release was totally sold out after just a few weeks. Also, we got some nice distro arrangements with bigger labels from abroad so…everything was just cool.

What were your intentions with starting a label? Usually such activities start with a lot of enthusiasm to make something worthfull, etc. But also it often ends with lack of knowledge and financial resources... However, you have been active with “Grom Records” for more than 10 years already. What is the story of your success?
Well, starting from the very beginning we’ve tried to be very careful when it comes to our possibilities and all the aspects in general. Running the label is very hard thing to do actually, especially if you’re totally on your own as independent and underground publisher. Then, whole budget comes from what you can get out from your own activities and that’s damn hard to follow. From the other side, passion is on the highest level as well and you can easily go into bankrupt after releasing many albums and bands you like. So, somehow Grom have found the way how to control passion (only when it comes to the number of the release we want to release) and followed our possibilities. It was a must, as otherwise label would be long time dead by now… We had to be very careful as no one of us involved in Grom Records were not some rich kids that will spent money of their parents on some childish games… Let’s say we took it very serious and we really wanted Grom Records to stay alive as long as possible. So, we are here still kicking ass and still on our own and still without damn compromise and that’s the best feeling indeed. The highest praise we could get, Grom is still Grom and let’s hope it will stay that way in the coming decades as well.

As far as I understand, “Grom Records” was created by you and your colleague Marko Simic, who is unfortunately dead already. What happened to him? And who are involved in “Grom Records” at the moment? Or are you doing everything on your own?
Yes, Grom was idea and creation of two persons back then. Marko Simic was active on Serbian Metal scene back in 90’s as well buy running some zines, publishing tapes etc. So somehow naturally we came in touch and after some talks got idea to start proper record label and distro. After some years of activities Marko leave whole thing as he was very occupied with his other activities and daily obligations so, out paths were split. We’ve stayed in touch of course but then, I’ve got info that he died in car accident… That’s very sad as he was very good person with many potentials and ideas. RIP! After I stayed alone for some years Grom was on my own backs only with helping from some close friends but that was all… In the last 4 years I have a huge help coming from my lovely Danica and she is helping a lot where ever it’s possible, as well as my friend and brother Marko Vrucinic. They both feel Grom as I do, and that’s just great.

What releases does “Grom Records” prepare? I mean, what kind of formats do you release? Are you oriented towards audio releases only, or manage to present some kind of merchandise too?
Grom mostly managed to release audio medias with some merch as well, but mostly our main thing is CD release.

What is most fascinating about “Grom Records” for me, is that most of your releases are really masterpieces in their style. Let’s say, Rex Satanachia, Beastcraft, Fjorsvartnir and many others got the highest rating in our review sections, as well as some interviews were conducted too. Moreover, a nice bunch of these bands were discovered just through your promo material. So in general, how do you manage to find those quality bands? Are you searching for them constantly, or they find you on their own?
Thank you bro, I know you really like some of our releases and that’s really nice. It’s always great when you see as publisher that your releases are praised around. For me personally it’s almost the same if I would see response on my own music as all the albums Grom released I totally worship as my own one. As for finding the bands, well it depends from case to case but mostly bands send us their promos and then If we like it we start cooperation. But also, we are always searching for the new acts that could be interesting for us. It’s like walking in the woods, you never know what you can find behind the next tree, hehe

Do you try to concentrate on any stylistics limits while choosing the bands?
No, not at all. Music is art and what I like in music is freedom of expression. I’m with music my entire life and I can feel it deeply and it means I can feel if it’s fake or not, if feelings are well presented through tunes or not.. That’s my main thing to follow with the bands we release as well. Metal music, in my opinion, must be direct without bullshits and fake posing so, when I get impression that some album is really touching me then, fuck let’s release it as it’s good and people behind the music deserve our support.

Do you have any schedule for your releases? Or in general, it all depends on the financial situation of the label? I mean, if the things are going well, you release more items, if it’s a little bit worse, you just stop for a little while?
Sure, as I explained in one of the previous answers. Why we are here still, after 10 long years is that we are very careful as that’s the only way the one must follow in order to survive. Especially nowadays when people don’t support physical releases anyhow and small labels are in very hard position. So today, we must be even more careful with our schedule and plans as any unsure step could lead us into disaster and unfortunate end… So, our schedule always follows our possibilities, that’s all.

Do you have any favorite releases from all that you have made during those years? Or any of those were somehow special? For example, personally I admire Rex Satanachia’s “First Legion of Hell” EP as the best material “Grom Records” have ever released. Absolutely amazing and killer stuff...
Hm, that’s very hard question indeed. I couldn’t choose just one release as really, it can sound as cliché but I really like them all in different ways of course. Rex Satanachia is definitely unique release and I play it very often. What these maniacs created back then still stay as a milestone of brutal dark and uncompromising Black Metal art! Unique with them is also that they came from nowhere, created this amazing masterpiece and vanished without trace…damn spooky and great in the same time. Also Beastcraft stayed as very meaningful release to me, especially now after my friend Trond died and his legacy stayed eternally sealed on one of our releases. RIP bro! From the other side maybe the most important release for us was born last year and it’s Hail to Bombarder release. This totally non typical tribute album was product of many years of work and we are damn proud on this one. It’s very meaningful for us as well as for the band and all the others involved in. It’s real piece of history and I’m so proud we’ve finally managed to push it out.

How much important is the ideological aspect of the bands that you are agreeing to collaborate with? Is there any kind of themes that your don’t want to get in deal with? Let’s say, is there a possibility that “Grom Records” will release any NSBM band in the future?
Ideological side of bands is same as their music I think. I personally like the bands with real attitude and approach, band’s which will not change their statements in every damn interview and by time pass pretending they didn’t say this or that. I don’t have problems with any ideology and bands on Grom Records are always free to say what ever they want. But also, all the messages and statements that bands want to send over their music must be well organized and with real spirit and honor. Just simple words of hate are totally not welcome here, hate without any base if you know what I mean? You have to know why the hell you’re sending some message out, and that’s very rare nowadays unfortunately. As for NSBM, man…that style became so pathetic and so lame and weak that I even can’t think about that. 99% of NSBM bands turned their backs to their primary ideas and it was so funny to watch all of them running away from what they were at the beginning…Just fake trendy posing, that’s all…Also, NSBM is strongly connected with filthy politic and that’s what I hate the most. Politic = compromise = FUCK OFF from music and art! Slaves of politic are corrupted minds who will betray any principles and ideas for status and title, for nothing…and people like these are totally not welcome here! Same goes to any supporter of mass religions, multinational corporations and other scums…fuck off from our uninfected underground! For example Grom have released Serbin band Wolf’s Hunger that was labeled as NS, but we strongly stood for the releases as guys knew what they are talking about and their official ideas were far away from brainless NS posing.

It seems that “Grom Records” has had (and still has) some sub-labels too, namely “Awaken”, “Nihilistic Terror Productions” and “Tmina Records”. Why did you split-up your activity under different names?
Ok, let’s start from the beginning here. Awaken was my first serious step on the scene and it was the name of my ‘zine I started back in 90’s. Shortly after I’ve published first issue I also started with compilation series under the same name. Later Awaken became distro service as well as also tape label that pushed some really great releases back then as: Desaster “Live in Serbian Hell”, Judas Iscariot “Avetinjski ples sablasti”, Maroth “Krst u plamenu” and some more as well…After Grom was born I stopped my activities with Awaken Prod and concentrate on Grom only. Still, Awaken stayed as booking service and over these activities we’ve organized many, many live shows. Nihilistic Terror was very unique idea of totally underground BM label but as for many troubles it stayed with just one and only release published and it’s Strah Gospodnji CDr. Now, Tmina Records is like sister label of Grom Records. Since our primary idea for Grom was to follow just raw, brutal and grim bands we didn’t want to add on our roster any of other styles that are not under really extreme marks. But since we are constantly  getting promos and offers from the bands who are playing different styles we simply came up with the idea to start another label that will pay attention on other styles as well, without massing up with the original Grom concept, rawness and grimness. I hope that was ok answer on your question? I mean, name is something personal and authentic and it always goes for one particular person, or creation etc.. So in my opinion name should represent you and stay always as your best presentation. Awaken was Awaken, Grom is Grom, Tmina is Tmina and mixing all this would be not so cool…again, in my opinion.

Oh, so you were running your own magazine in the early days, mister editor, hehe. Tell me, why did you decide to stop doing it? You say that you still try supporting printed zines, and so on, but didn’t continue with your own one. Lack of time?
Ah yes bro, everything started back in 1995 if I remember clearly. I've idea to start my own zine but some other friend of mine had the same idea so we came up with like, hey let's join our forces and do one zine all together. So that's how Extreme Response zine was born. We did one and only issue and shortly after I've started my zine, Awaken. Back then it was very hard so hyping machine was the only option for me, cut & paste style was what I did :) All the interviews were done over the regular mail, letters and packages so guest that everything lasted long very long time. But I made it and first issue was born. Then some news letters under the same name etc etc..After some years of activities I was obligated to join military service here for one year and all my activities were stopped in that period. After I've returned from the army damn morons from NATO decided to bomb my country for the next 3 months so, fuck war was here and again not so much could be done back then...After all craps and blocades I've finally managed to do another issue somewhere in 2000. But, it was already start of web-zines era and lack of interest was among the fans and also I joined 2 bands, started my label etc yes, zine was stopped and placed in my “for the history” box... But my support for printed zines never stopped and here/there I keep writing some articles and interviews for some friendly publications and of course, I distribute zines when ever it's possible...

Say what you want, but a productive and quality record label from Serbia still sounds as a little bit of an exotic today. How do you think, what kind of the name have your achieved already? Are your releases valued well in the western countries? In general, are you in contact with many different labels for distributed their products in Serbia, for example?
Yes, you’re right my friend. But more like, nowadays any underground label that exist for more than 10 years sounds very exotic, ahah. As the time passes Grom name really became stronger and our status sometimes surprises me totally. Bands are constantly contacting us in order to get their materials published or distributed over us and big number of them keep calling Grom as “big” “strong” “respectable” powerful” etc label and that’s just great. It’s great in many different ways but for me the most important is the fact that people seeing us as something big and strong, no matter what and after knowing the fact that we are still the same, underground label, independent one and deeply rooted in the netherworld. Our releases are all around the world, we have distro/trade partners on every damn continent where you can find metal scene. We’ve got several vinyl licenses, CD licenses on other continents, tape licenses, almost all the releases are totally sold out etc etc...So, when you calculate all this I think it’s really nice, isn’t it? And sure, we are in regular contact with many label and distros all around the scene and every day there are new ones. Some of the label owners became  my longtime friends privately as well, after all these years of cooperation and support.

By the way, some technical question. Do your print all the CD and booklets in Serbia, or use foreign services too?
The biggest part of our releases were pressed in Serbian factory. We are satisfied with their work and there is no need to do it abroad. But some were also pressed in Czech, Germany, Italy...depends of the deal we have with some partners etc...

Serbian Metal scene is also the one that we still have not enough of information, I believe. Can you share some facts about it? Can we say that “Grom Records” is the biggest underground label in your country? Are the metalheads active in Serbia? Do they support the activity, by records, etc.?
In the last few years foreign fans started to pay their attention on our domestic bands as well as labels and many of Serbian bands got foreign publishers, playing tours around etc..Also as I’m a huge vinyl freak I can see that old Yugoslavian bands from 80’s are some of the most wanted and hunted among the vinyl collectors etc, etc.. Our tribute to Bombarder release is great example of all this as you have cults as: Nifelheim, Avenger, Koldbrann who are covering old Serbian band and singing in our language as well, just great! The scene is very active indeed, there are many bands, releases, concerts and festivals and everything is on the right direction in my opinion. As for Grom status as label, I don’t know what to say as there are not so many active labels there anyway…Grom is definitely one and only label into dedicated extreme Metal only and that’s why we are unique…Many labels were born and after short time they died, some others are into all the styles, mixed genres etc so…Grom Records works by the old values and rules of running the label and we will stay that way, we will stay underground. As for fans, yes Grom have some very loyal supporters and fans and we are proud on our relationship with all of them. Serbia is economically fucked up country after all these wars and craps that happened here in the last 20 years so, it’s very hard to be active fan and support bands, buy the records, pay the tickets for the shows etc…but some of them, the true ones really give their best.

In Lithuania Metal became popular and had a rise right after our independence was re-newed in 1991. Many of the metalheads from those times were also protesting against the Soviet system, etc. Was the situation similar in your country at that time? How did the civil war in ex-Yugoslavia affect your personal life?
Ex Yugoslavia was a bit different. We had very active and strong metal scene and some highest pick was reached in the moment when this shitty war started here in the beginning of 90’s. We had huge festivals, concerts of foreign bands, big shows, active vinyl releases, licenses etc…But then, over the night everything was stopped. During the 90’s scene was fucked up here and in the rest of ex YU countries but now, in the last 10 years things are moving forward finally and scene is getting stronger. As for civil war here… well, what can I say man? Just those who never saw miserable face of war can think that’s something cool. War always dig the worst of human scum and let them ruling for some time, mostly innocent and unprotected are dying and those who should die stay to live out of the profit they made on misery and death of the others. It was the same here back in 90’s and that’s it…So, my answer it, war fucked up many possibilities, many ideas and many lives and stopped entire territory for decades…Today we have several divided countries, weak and totally corrupted by ass lickers of other Western countries without any perspective for 99,9 % of people here…Just those on politically “correct” positions make their own profit by serving the other stronger masters, the big guns…all the rest…sad and fucked up…but that’s politic already so, fuck it…

Can we say that Serbian metalheads form the biggest part of “Grom Records” customers? Or foreign metalheards from all over world are more interested in your releases?
Well, it’s something like half/half I think…Since we started selling our distro over Discogs as well, many foreign fans started to order from us…In the past, only our domestic fans kept us running…

You have a mail-order listing all the material that you have for selling. Is this the only way you try to sell your stuff through? I mean, maybe you run any kind of physical shop in your hometown in Prigrevica? What about a standard webshop? Do you have any ideas for it? Maybe you sell your stuff in regular kiosks during Metal concerts? Or maybe you have some kind of expansion of “Grom Records” activity in your head already?
As we all know selling of the recording is going down and down day by day and it’s going to be even worst..In the past we had our distro sold in the record stores but it turned to be very unpractical and usually CD’s/LP’s just stayed there and collect dust etc.. Less and less people are interested to go to the stores and buy music so we simply moved all on our website where we daily update our distro list and send updates to our customers, fans etc…Beside our mailorder section we have our Discogs store as well and I’m very satisfied how everything it’s going there. And sure, we usually offer our distro at some selected live shows, festivals etc.. That’s basically it when it comes to sale and in my opinion these are the only ways if you want to stay really independent. All the other ways would be “play by the rule” and we are totally not interested to work that way. Following the newer ways how to send our releases to the potential listeners we also started cooperation with BelieveDigital distro web where we have some of our releases in online digital format only. These are official digital releases and people who are not interested in physical releases can choose these as well…So far, cooperation with BelieveDigital works fine and I totally like it especially as digital releases don’t affect our physical ones, at all.

From your point of view, how will the future of general labels change in the nearest years? I mean, how their activity will change? Will they go to internet more? What kind of formats will they release, etc.? How do you personally see “Grom Records” in five upcoming years?
Hm, that's hard to answer indeed. I mean, if things keep to move this fucked up way and generations don't change their blindness and brainless I think music industry with totally turn to the online market and stay in cyber space only. Older fans are still into collecting records, supporting bands etc...newcomers simply don't care for anything and their perspective is way different...for them having an Iphone is maximum of their interests and there they can watch live shows recorded last night and uploaded on youtube, they can listen the music etc, really fucked up perspective in my opinion but...that's the way it is... And where Grom will be in all this, hm really don't know man...hard to say. But one is sure, we will keep moving and shaking as long as we are able to!

By the way, what is the situation with concerts in your country/town? Do you have enough of them? Lithuania, for example, is a small country, if any bigger concert is organized in any city, you usually can reach in less that several hours. What about your situation? Are you an active visitor to concerts?
Yes, I like live shows and I try to visit them as much as it’s possible. But mostly, I’m involved in bigger part of metal shows here because I work as a booker as well so, that’s my job actually. I started with concerts back in 90’s and until now I’ve organized so many of them here as well as some European tours for other bands etc.. I also work at huge Exit festival for the last 9 years as a booked and manager of extreme stages…so as you can see, I’m all over the live shows ahaha

Yeah, I may think that you Metal is your first job in life, isn’t it, hehe? Do you think there are any possibilities to make living from “Grom” activity? On one hand, such still underground labels as “Drakkar” or “Legion of Death Records”, or Ukrainian “Dead Center Productions” and some others manage to be the only activity in life for their chiefs. However, it is said, that even when most interesting and loved activity becomes a job, all the pleasure is gone…
Well, yes haha. I'm actually full time employe as a metal freak, since this concert company started and I'm working as a booker there that's my job. But no, it's not possible to make living just out of Grom Records and somehow I'm happy with this. You must struggle and connect many activities to make living out of all this, so that's how I work my friend. Grom is just part of it and really part that makes me totally full-filled and satisfied and still keep that nice spirit of being hobby activity and that's the greatest feeling. Sometimes if I have some hard day with working on the festival program for example, deal with some nasty managers from bigger companies and all you need is to go home and really do something you like, I come there sit, open a beer and pack some stuff for trade with another label and it makes me really, really calm and satisfied...makes me happy.

Croatia last year became the member of European Union. I actually believe that each country has to decide on its own which direction to choose, but it seems that becoming the member of EU did not spark the economy of Croatia as everybody were expecting. Do you think that Serbia should follow the same way? Let’s say, what impact should that have for the activity of “Grom Records”? Would it make more possibilities to enter western markets for you? Why I would be glad to see ex-Yugoslavian countries there is the opportunity to travel to your beautiful countries without any visas and restrictions, hehe.
Speaking about EU hysteria would lead us into political topics again so I’d like to skip it or at least I will try to be as short as possible… My opinion is that EU system isn’t good for all the nations and can’t work in every country. It’s not by coincidence that nations and lands are divided by the borders and with their own rules and laws. And in my opinion that’s the way it should be, that’s the way, the oldest natural way. Pushing countries into EU became so aggressive and so obvious that I really started to be disgusted by all these stories and moves they spread around in the name of their project. As for traveling in Serbia, you can do it easily when ever you want as there are no visas or restrictions. You just have to bring your passport or ID and you are free to go.

Actually, just recently I have found that some time earlier you were the member of probably the most well known Serbian Black Metal act The Stone, as well as took part in other musical projects. Are you still active as a musician? What part of your time does playing/creating the music requires?
I was the member of The Stone for 10 years and somewhere in 2011 I’ve decided to quit the band as for many reasons, mostly private ones. From the other side I’m the member of another Black Metal band May Result, older band than The Stone is and next year we are going to release new album and do some selected anniversary shows as well. Beside these activities I’m into some other music projects as well as my own one that I work on but, I’d like to speak about that when it’s done and ready…hopefully end of 2014. Creating music is natural part of my being and I can’t imagine myself without this segment.

Could you share the nearest plans of “Grom Records”? The upcoming releases, etc.?
Sure. Right now we are in the middle of process with our next bigger project and that’s We Worship DESASTER. It’s going to be double CD release with 30 bands playing hymns of almighty Tyrants. I’m very good friend with Desaster guys for years and it’s so great feeling to be involved in this creation. Beside this one, our next release will be published and that’s Belgian Black Metal band Sercati with their second studio album “The Rise Of The Nightstalker“. As for now these are the only sure releases, there are plans for some more releases after Summer 2014 but, we have to see how it would be with the budget and possibilities. Also, it‘s nice to mention tat Fjorsvartnir‘s album will be officially released in Japan under exclusive license and also Hail To Bobarder release will be licensed in Scotland as double vinyl LP release.

What are your biggest discoveries in music during recent years? Is there any bands that we haven’t heard of yet, but Milan has already some plans regarding them?
Hah, I’m constantly in the new bands and releases but beside these we are sure to release I don’t have any new as a plan or so….

For the end, tell me if there is a demand for printed zines in Serbia? You help me distributed “Forgotten Path” in your country, for which I am very grateful... Still, can we say that there are already some loyal customers for me over there?
Yes, and I’m really happy to know that our fans are still interested to buy and read printed ‘zines. I try to support as much zines as possible and offer them over our distro regularly. And yes, these are mostly Grom’s loyal and long time supporters. Grom will always support Forgotten Path and in my opinion it’s the best zine around the scene \m/

Thanks for the answers; I will be looking for more killer stuff from “Grom Records” side!
Thank you man for this nice interview. It broth some spirits of the past to me, indeed. It’s always pleasure to answer interview for printed zine. Good luck with the next issue and sure, we will continue with our honorable cooperation in the future as well. Keep supporting almighty Underground! Horns Up!

Milan Rakic
Grom Records

Saturday 9 April 2016


Chuck is dead, unfortunately that’s the sad fact that we all know for years. His music stayed as real legacy to every single metal head around the globe. These immortal records, all of them without any exceptions will defend a real meaning of what metal truly is and should be.
Now, a few days ago I’ve witnessed (and organized) desperately awaited Death DTA show. And what I got there was, mind and heart blowing show to remember my entire life. Crew gathered under the flag of Death logo is real example how soldiers praise and respect their passed away general!!!
Yes, that’s my opinion and I really tried to dig it in, since the guys arrived in the venue.
I was skeptic, I didn’t know what to think about all that and I simply wanted to feel the energy of all of them and see, if it’s true or not.

But indeed, after just a few moments spent with these real metal legends as for example Gene Hoglan or Steve Di Giorgio are I got that undying feeling of, real man! Real damn man, real metal artists and dedicated meal warriors.
Our local crew enjoyed working with such a great persons, and in general in every second of their visit here you could feel nothing but respect and dedications.
Show from the other side was such a outstanding piece of metal art that I somehow don’t even want to speak about that. It was so perfect in every point that I hardly can talk about that. You simply must feel it and ONLY then you will be able to understand.
Why I decided to write all this here? Well, I’ve red so many shitty and empty bullshits about DTA being rip-off, fake and shit load of other nonsense. Mostly written by those who NEVER saw the band, NEVER spoke with these guys, Chuck’s friends.
So, I simply decided to write my personal opinion and really to rise my horns in the name of DTA!
Yes, as I said at the beginning Chuck is dead and we will never forget him, never ever!
But what DTA give us is the chance to (from time to time) really get as closer as possible to real Death spirit and to dedicate one of our days, nights to Chuck and his art.
DTA is real respect to Chuck’s legacy, DTA truly honor Chuck and everything he was and I personally will always stand for them and when ever I get the chance, I will visit the show or more better, organize one.