Tuesday 14 October 2014

Black Metal is reality…reality of what?

Black Metal is reality…reality of what?

Our lovely and respected Metal sound survived many evolutions over the years of the existence and bigger part of these evolutions made Metal stronger and stronger. It’s pointless to speak about all sub-genres here as all these stories were told for a million of times, or even more, heh.
What’s on my mind now is Black Metal. This, so called second wave of the style born at the beginning of 90’s and mostly connected with Scandinavian soil. What was all that about? What happened? Why?
I mean, if we are looking now in the past and these first steps of 95% of the bands there we will find just a bunch of very young kids (17-18 years old) trying to look very grim and evil and wile they ware learning how to play their instruments in the same time they were also already creating their very first demos, albums etc.. All these records were mostly badly played, naively and with strange production BUT, they broth some new and very gloomy spirit into extreme Metal, gave some new dimension and opened some undiscovered gates until then. Together with their music those kids also took some more serious steps and some of them did even stronger actions against religious authorities and burned their local churches or maybe killed their band’s mates for some reasons… Anyway, these stories are also very well known around and there are no needs to speak about that again, here…right?
What’s my point here? Well, I’d like to know who are those who choose Black Metal as very young ones and then after some years of being extreme and wild they simply changed their directions and became just another musician on the scene ready to swallow anything just to be popular and well quoted names. What happened to all those kids from the beginning, those rebels and soldiers of Satan? Sons of brave Viking past? Creatures of the night? What happened after they became older?
Is it really possible that all these “spirits” and “honors” were just a part of their late puberties and full-filled with testosterons so, right after they grew up and discovered some other interesting things to do, all that vanished like it never existed? Unfortunately, I think that’s very possible and that’s the way it is…
All these bands from the beginning (respect to small number of them who didn’t!) right after they
released their first albums immediately changed their directions, stared to be very cooperative with the shitty mainstream laws of music business and forgot their previous extreme oats and underground statements. They were ready to do anything just to become part of worldwide scene, fame and glory…
And that’s copy-paste model for almost entire Black Metal scene. Where ever it started it’s the same. No matter if it’s deeply connected with occult and satanic as in Scandinavia or brainless radical right wings on the East, we have the same model. Bands start, bands are rebels, bands are under “no compromise” banners, bands are their own and they don’t give the fuck! But then, once they are recognized by the scene and by the fans their troubles starts. Why troubles? Well, extreme occult and satanic is fine for small underground circles, but it’s totally not cool for the mainstream magazines, radios and TV’s. Right wings are fine in small hometown gigs and local supporters but it’s forbidden in the bigger pars of the World and you can’t go and play, promote and earn your money. So, what’s happening then? It’s easy to see for sure. Satanists over the night change their extreme looks, stage performances and occult themes wile right wings panicly try to deny their connections with politic, racism and other craps…But how come? I mean, it was so “true” and so “dedicated” and so….FUCK, it was bullshit!
It was pose, lame, weak and shelter for frustrated ones…It’s pity to realize, but….  I think that Metal never had style like Black Metal with all these pretending and poses inside of the genre. One genre and so many trends inside, trends without any foundations and quality, trends so worthless and stupid. Some bands with every single album change their ideology, statements and their “true” paths. Funniest is with those who stared as Satanists, then turned to Pagans after they red one or two books about history of their nations. But then, these Pagans somehow connect themselves with Nazis and over the night they jump into the right wing streams. Still, right wings means politic and other shits and suddenly your shows start to be attended by a huge bold guys ready to fight anyone or anything just for a wrong look so then, bands decide that’s not so cool and again they turn to something new or old…Dam it man, that’s really fake…fake to the bottom.
It’s very funny and somehow sad from the other side to take interviews of some bands and compare them with what they’ve told just a few years ago. Sometimes statements are so different that you really can’t be sure if that’s the same person speaking here, and then, there.
Please, don’t get me wrong. I’m a huge fan of all Metal genres and same it’s for Black Metal. I totally worship some bands and among my favorite ones are also Black Metal names as well. I've played and still play in some Black Metal bands. But these facts can’t be denied. Facts that Black Metal as genre is the biggest joke and biggest fake in Metal, globally speaking. Other genres also suffered from their weak “seasons” and trends but these were just phases and genres stayed strong, powerful, direct and unique. But when it comes to Black Metal, we really can’t say that as the biggest part of the bands are just a craps, pretenders and slaves of temporary trends and poses. What’s worst is the fact that even underground isn’t serious or independent anymore, but also massively infected with lame fakeness and those without attitude and honor.
We could now start hundred of different topics about the reasons for all that, but hey…that’s not the point here. Reasons are many, reasons are everywhere but the main fact is, Black Metal as sub-genre of entire Metal is and should remind fucking UNDERGROUND. Only there, without any boundaries and limitations Black Metal can be strong and powerful with all it’s magic. As long and you kids are trying to reach glory and money by playing Black Metal, you’re wrong and you will stay wrong…
My deepest respect goes to just a few bands which represent and defend Black Metal starting from the very beginning. I won’t name them here, I know who they are, and you…. I Don’t know, and I don’t care…